Just returned from a visit to the Rio Grande Valley, Texas, with of course a cross over to Mexico for just a taste of it. Cold but sunny that day, Friday, in Nuevo Progreso, Tamaulipas with my friend Rosemary Miranda and her friend-once-husband, Manual Miranda, a painter.
Manual asked about my plays. I told him about the two produced in NYC in 2008, then told him I'd give him the URL for Celtx Project Central, where all my play scripts are available. But guess what? They're not there! Or maybe they're there, but there's no there there (as Gertrude Stein said of Los Angeles -- or was it Oakland?). Celtx Project Central is all gone! If you click the link at the right to my portfolio, you'll see the sad news of its retirement. And if Manuel hadn't asked about my plays, I'd not even have known, as I use Celtx only to input a new play, and I haven't written one lately.
I've long wanted to publish plays. Real plays. Real paper. Maybe now's the time. If anyone wants to help publish plays, tell me.