Friday, June 27, 2008

How to read the scripts for both Fringe 2008 plays

Scripts for both Me,You & Eli productions in Fringe 2008, as well as our Fringe 2005 production, Pierrot le Quin, and many other plays by Sylvia Manning (SilviCol) are at Celtx Project Central. The play about Frederick is on Celtx with the working title of A Christmas Eve`s Visit with Frederick Demuth.

The links are in the right column of this page. If for any reason the link doesn`t work, enter Celtx Project Central in the Google search box, then Silvicol in the search box on the Celtx page, and you will be directed to a list of plays.

"I really like Celtx, a Canadian free collaborative website. If you write plays and need software for formatting, I really urge you to download the free Celtx before you spend money on something that`s no better. Actually, all members of any production can benefit by using the collaborative features of Celtx." -- Sylvia M. SilviCol

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